Conscious #1&2 |
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![]() Conscious © Lee Cooke |
So far Conscious is about a 14 year old boy, moving to a newschool. Meeting the school bully, but also finding a friend (with asecret!). Then the W-A-R-P kicks in!! (Hey! watch out for thetrendy amulet!) This may not be the most original scenario ever! ...But what setsConscious apart is the use of available technology. LeeCooke has had the gumption to use his Dad's computer to generatehis own comic! And flippin' 'eck!!! It's in colour too!!! ...Forthe first 6 pages! He could have used the computer for 'oogling' Pammie's Honeymoonvideos, like any sensible chap would!! (But the creative muse gotthe better of him!) The story and art may not be threatening any creative egos outthere. As both are clear and very basic. But Lee's audacity inputting out his first zines, using a computer, scanner & colourprinter, should be a smart smack in the snozzle for thosecomplacent zinesters out there!!! You have been warned! Because of the 14/15 year olds are doingthis... shouldn't you lot get off yer butts and be heading down toyour local library's P.C. course? Your only hope is that Lee gets a girlfriend OR his dad wants hiscomputer back!! Clive Scruton |
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